Long years on the folk-singing circuit would eventually cost her custody of Clark after a bitter fight. It was her husband, she says, who suggested that she try for a singing career, even though that would take her far from home and from their young son, Clark. (Think of the lovestruck familiarity with which she sings “Someday Soon.”) Collins writes of her early years in Colorado with a blind father who had a Denver radio show (the song “My Father” comes to mind) and then her late teens in the mountains, running a rustic lodge with her first husband, Peter Taylor, and occasionally seeing a cowboy or two. The people I knew and loved and the drama of that diamond-bright time move closer as they slip farther away.”Ĭue the music in your head, especially if you found any guilty pleasure in Sheila Weller’s “Girls Like Us,” a 2008 book about Carole King, Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon.

“Those precious early years seem oddly clearer to me now, at 70. “My life has taken me from innocence to rage and back again,” she writes. It is written graciously and poignantly, with a big blue eye toward posterity. Collins has written other books about aspects of her life (among them creativity, dedication to art and a family struggle with addiction), this one is the omnibus, with the big story and the boldface names.