However, this turned into a forced romance story and the writing quality took a hit, which really showed in these final episodes. I was hyped for this when it was first announced, and the first half of the season was pretty good. Overall, this was a clear downgrade from the first season.

It was also good to get some closure with all of the other major characters. I suggested that could happen in last week's thread, but I didn't think they'd do it. Also, they actually did the whole "reanimate Kaisar into a zombie" thing. I was hoping she would have some dialogue, but her simply showing up was nice and Favaro getting emotional over her message was touching. Moving on to a more positive note, I liked the Amira cameo. I think it would have been better if they died tbh, and I'm not saying this because I disliked them (although at the same time, I didn't really care much for either one of them), I just genuinely think it would have had a greater impact. Looks like Charioce survived but lost the vision in his other eye, while Nina lost her voice, and now they got their happily ever after ending. I mean, I know I couldn't expect them to use up a majority of the final episode to take him down but it feels like he was defeated as quickly as he arrived.

Not gonna lie, that final showdown against Bahamut was pretty anticlimactic.